Asian noodle salad
Asian noodle salad

Asian noodle salad

kokonaisaika35 min
35 minesivalmistelut


4 annosta
200 g
egg noodles
200 g
red peppers
small red Jalapeno pepper
small white cabbage
4 rkl
vegetable oil
2 ½ rkl
white wine vinegar
2 rkl
freshly chopped coriander leaves
freshly ground pepper
ground ginger
1 ½ tl
Ravintosisältö (per annos):14840 kJ / 354 kcal


Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the pack until it is ‘al dente'. Wash the snap peas and cut them into fine strips. Halve the bell peppers and Jalapeno pepper. Clean them, wash them and then cut the bell pepper into strips and dice the Jalapeno pepper.

Wash the cabbage and cut it into very fine strips. Stir together the oil, Teriyaki marinade & sauce, vinegar and coriander and season with pepper, ginger and honey.

Combine the pasta, snap peas, bell peppers, Jalapeno peppers and white cabbage with the dressing, leave to marinate and serve.

Resepti-ID: 384


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Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the pack until it is ‘al dente'. Wash the snap peas and cut them into fine strips. Halve the bell peppers and Jalapeno pepper. Clean them, wash them and then cut the bell pepper into strips and dice the Jalapeno pepper.

Wash the cabbage and cut it into very fine strips. Stir together the oil, Teriyaki marinade & sauce, vinegar and coriander and season with pepper, ginger and honey.

Combine the pasta, snap peas, bell peppers, Jalapeno peppers and white cabbage with the dressing, leave to marinate and serve.

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